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Yes. The three Awards run in parallel during the same period of time and companies are welcome to apply for the Business Award and/ or the Business Innovation Award and/ or the Customer Excellence Award at the same time.

The best way to start is by contacting the MRM Award Office team on businessaward@wps02-chamber.azurewebsites.net or +971 4 202 8 203/ 258/ 267 and they will provide you all the clarifications and guidance.

Every cycle of the Awards has a different number of Award winners and these have no relation with the number of companies participating. The number of Award winners depends only on the quality level of the business practices and performance from the participating companies.

No. The Awards are dedicated to all companies in the UAE & GCC countries. All size companies from all industries are welcome to participate.

Any company from any country is welcome to participate in the Awards as long as its office and operations are based and conducted in the UAE or any other GCC country. For more details, kindly verify the participation eligibility criteria.

The identity of all participant companies is absolutely confidential with the exception for the Award winners.

Overall, each participant gains a bird’s eye perspective on their processes and performance based on a self-assessment and benchmarking against leading business best practices as well as several hours of review by a body of experienced Assessors. The results of these reviews are synthesized in a Feedback Report outlining the Strengths and Areas of Improvement for each Area of the Model. Participant organisations use the Feedback Reports on their strategic planning process to improve current or future processes and associated results which ultimately will lead to business growth.

Yes. All information provided by participants during the Award Application submission and assessment is confidential and protected under Dubai Chamber’s internal Non-Disclosure Agreements, protocols and procedures that are in place to protect the companies and ensure the integrity of the three Awards. All assessors are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and Code of Ethical Conduct with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry before starting the assessment and receiving the Award Application documents.

Companies who wish to participate in any of the three Awards must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Must be a for-profit and private organization.
  • Must be operating in the UAE or any of the other GCC countries for the last three years.
  • Must hold a valid Operating License from the UAE or GCC country where the company is based.


Groups or Holding companies are not eligible to participate as a whole. However, individual companies from the Group or Holding are welcome to participate separately in the Awards.

Companies are strongly advised to start their participation at the earliest once the registration phase is open. By starting early, companies will have more time to go through the Model criteria and understand how it works, attend the Training Workshops, and organize, draft, review and submit the final Award Application Document within the given time. In addition, because the number of participants is limited the registration can be closed before the deadline.

A team of assessors conducts a thorough assessment of each company’s Award Application document according to the model criteria and those companies who meet the required desk score threshold are eligible to receive a site visit assessment and continue on the run for the Award. Based on the findings of the site visit, the assessors review and define the company’s final score. The assessors then shortlist and propose outperforming companies to the Award Panel of Judges who then review and endorse the winners to be publically recognized at the Award Ceremony.

Every company, including previous winners, is welcome to apply every time and in consecutive cycles of the Awards.
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