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51 days since submitting the required documents and paying fees
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Dubai chamber premises
Mediation is one of the effective methods to resolve commercial disputes amicably provided that at least one of the disputing parties is a member of Dubai Chambers. Mediation is one of the most effective methods to resolve commercial disputes amicably as it is a quick, confidential, and cost-effective process. It provides an excellent opportunity for disputed parties to maintain their business relations while remaining in full control of the decision-making process at all times. Mediation is an amicable way of settlement and is a confidential process. We aim to help the parties reach an amicable settlement and to achieve this, we advise the parties to be flexible and open for negotiation during mediation. Mediation is not conciliation, or arbitration, or litigation. Our role is to facilitate negotiation between the parties, allowing them to reach a mutually acceptable solution by themselves. In the case of extreme difference in the parties’ points of views that prevents settlement, or if the respondents do not co-operate or do not wish our intervention, we advise them to seek other alternatives, such as litigation.
1 Contacting Dubai Chamber of Commerce through the available channels, completing the application form and attaching the documents supporting the complaint
2 Reviewing the application and receiving the approval from Dubai Chamber of Commerce
3 Payment of fees
4 Dubai Chamber of Commerce contacts the concerned parties to resolve the dispute
The above Fees and Tax are non-refundable and must be paid in advance to proceed with the mediation process.